H2S Removal Media

Not All Dry Scrubber Media Is The Same

MV Technologies works with Customers to design the most cost-effective H2S removal systems based on unique system parameters. Although our B.A.M. Iron Sponge media is often the most cost-effective solution, there are situations where Granular or Activated Carbon media makes sense. MV Technologies provides ALL solutions and will help evaluate the best technology (or combination of technologies) for your unique project requirements.

NOTE: The total performance that we secure from our media is in part driven by the specific engineering elements of MV's System designs in combination with our media that enables MV to offer its MV performance guarantee.

At-A-Glance & Data Sheets

ProductDescriptionO2Loading CapacityPressure DropData SheetSDS
BAMTM Iron Sponge High capacity H2S removal (up to 10,000 ppm) and some light mercaptans and light organic sulfurs, down to negligible levels.A biologically enhanced iron sponge specifically designed for cost-effective and reliable H2S removal from LFG and Biogas resulting from anaerobic digestion and wastewater treatment. Helps meet strict low outlet requirements down to negligible levels, for LFG, WWT, AD biogas and Odor Control. MV Technologies guarantees media performance when used in an H2SPlus System design.Works both with and without O2. Minimum of 0.5% O2 in gas stream allows for media regeneration and maximum adsorption.Up to 13-lbs H2S per cubic footRange .2 to 1 psiBAM Iron Sponge Data SheetAdobe_PDF_file_icon_24x24
BAMTM-LPD Iron Sponge High capacity H2S removal (up to 10,000 ppm) and some light mercaptans and light organic sulfurs, down to negligible levels.A biologically enhanced iron sponge formulated for applications with minimal horsepower and/or low pressure drop requirement. Treats H2S down to negligible levels, at reduced pressure drop for LFG, WWT, AD, Odor Control.Works both with and without O2. Minimum of 0.5% O2 in gas stream allows for media regeneration and maximum adsorptionUp to 11-lbs H2S per cubic footReduced Pressure Drop Range .1 to .5 psipdf icon
AxTrap-4001/4002 Granular High-capacity H2S removal up to 10,000 ppm.Highly porous iron-oxide coated granular media. Formulated to meet stringent LFG and digester gas treatment requirements. Media can be used in systems designed for beneficial end-use such as CHP, fuel for boilers, etc. AxTrap media doesn’t cake together like some other granular media and combined with the SulfAxTM System contributes to even greater ease of removal and no need for foam filters.Works well without O2, however performance is optimized with some oxygen.Up to 14% wt anaerobic, and 28% wt partially aerobic in Lead/Lag design, otherwise 9-14% in single vessel.Low Pressure Drop Range .1 to 1 psiAxTrap 4001 Data SheetAdobe_PDF_file_icon_24x24 AxTrap 4002 Data SheetAdobe_PDF_file_icon_24x24AxTrap 4001 SDSAdobe_PDF_file_icon_24x24 AxTrap 4002 SDSAdobe_PDF_file_icon_24x24
AxTrap-4003 Granular Resists NMVOCs that may be present in LFG and may interfere with removal efficiency of 4003.Built to resist higher levels of non-methane VOCs in landfill gas that can sometimes interfere with reactions with H2S. Does a better job on light mercaptans, if needed. Not for use in California.Works well without O2, however, performance is optimized with some oxygen.Up to 14% wt anaerobic, and 21% wt partially aerobic in Lead/Lag design, otherwise 9-14% in single vessel.Range 0.1 up to 2 psi depending on design.AxTrap 4003 Data SheetAdobe_PDF_file_icon_24x24AxTrap 4003 SDSAdobe_PDF_file_icon_24x24
AxTrap-4101/4102 Granular High daily rates of H2S in anaerobic conditions.AT 4101/4102 are useful where we have high amounts of H2S to remove per day (normally more than 100 lbs. per day and in anaerobic gas) and need a higher capacity product.Not necessary. Up to 20% by weight capacity in anaerobic conditions.Up to 20% wt in anaerobic conditions for Lead/Lag design.0.1 up to 2 psi depending on design.AxTrap 4101 Data SheetAdobe_PDF_file_icon_24x24 AxTrap 4102 Data SheetAdobe_PDF_file_icon_24x24AxTrap 4101 SDSAdobe_PDF_file_icon_24x24 AxTrap 4102 SDSAdobe_PDF_file_icon_24x24
AxTrap-4011 Granular High daily rates of H2S in anaerobic conditions.Deeper removal of organic sulfurs, in this case vent from asphalt plant. AT 4011 is used outside of California and AT 4012 is used in California.Best for aerobic application such as asphalt vent applications.Up to 8-12% wt for lower oxygen levels and up to 17% wt for streams with greater than 5:1 ratio of O2:H2S0.1 up to 2 psi depending on design.td>AxTrap 4011 Data SheetAdobe_PDF_file_icon_24x24AxTrap 4011 SDSAdobe_PDF_file_icon_24x24

Iron Sponge Media

Enhanced Iron Sponge

Iron Sponge Image 1 MV Technologies has implemented certain modifications into the well known iron sponge system to achieve a longer operating life and a reduced operating cost.

MV modifies commercially available iron sponge and markets it as B.A.M. (bio-active media). MV purchases standard grade iron sponge product from a commodity supplier, and enhances that material with biological agents to produce a more reactive and effective media. The iron hydroxide in the B.A.M., neutralizes the H2S by converting it into iron sulfide compounds through chemical reaction, and the bacteria serve to “refresh” the available reactant. MV’s addition of biological agents to media result in removal of numerous non-sulfur bearing species such as VOC’s and readily biodegradable organic compounds, and improved re-oxidation of the iron sulfide compounds to regenerate iron oxides for subsequent reactions. All of this adds up to extended life of the reactive media and lower cost of operation.

After the iron sponge is totally reacted, the spent media is non-hazardous and can be disposed into a solid waste disposal facility or alternately into a compost operation for the treatment of any oily soils, or even applied as a fertilizer.

The spent iron sponge is non-hazardous and has 100+ years safe-operating history; however, handling requirements should be reviewed prior to composting or disposal, as the media must be kept moist to avoid any airborne dust conditions.

Although iron sponge has been successfully used to remove H2S from gas streams for over a century, it is the engineered process of the H2SPlus Systems and operating technique that ensures safety, media life and ease of media removal.

Granular Media

A Better Granular Media

Granular Media Image For hydrogen sulfide removal requirements where a granular media is the best solution for the application, MV Technologies provides our preferred* Iron Oxide Granular Media. The proprietary and non-hazardous product is utilized in industry environments from odor control for wastewater treatment facilities to landfill and digester biogas. MV Technologies has extensive experience and works with clients to evaluate benefits of various treatment methods.

The high-capacity media is comprised of a high porosity mixed iron-oxide tightly bound on a stable inert base. It is not adversely affected by water or hydrocarbon condensate, and its unique formulation allows reliable performance in air or gas with 95% or more relative humidity. The media will not break down when soaked in water, and spent media can easily be removed from treatment vessels by a variety of simple methods. Additionally, media will not break down in the presence of free liquids and will not amalgamate when soaked in water.

*MV Technologies is a distributor of AxTrap™ media products. AxTrap™ media is the exclusive product of Axens with USA and foreign patents granted and applied for. AxTrap™ is a trademark of Axens, all rights reserved.
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H2S Removal Media

What is Iron Sponge H2S Removal?


Removing H2S from gas streams and environments can be done with the use of iron sponges. The iron hydroxide in the iron sponge media directly reacts with H2S or hydrogen sulfide. This interaction leads to the formation of iron sulfide, eliminating the surrounding H2S that may be permeating nearby gas streams or atmospheres.


What Are the Differences Between Standard Iron Sponge and B.A.M. Iron Sponge?


While standard iron sponges may be suitable for removing low levels of H2S, B.A.M. iron sponges are modified and enhanced with the use of specific biological agents. These agents not only increase efficiency but also immediate reactivity, which can help extend the life of the B.A.M. iron sponge media.


What Are the Advantages of Using B.A.M. Iron Sponge for H2S Removal?


B.A.M. iron sponge is non-hazardous, making it an environmentally friendly choice for those who are interested in removing H2S from the surrounding atmosphere without increasing additional risks of chemical exposure. Because B.A.M. iron sponge is extremely efficient, it is cost-effective, making it more affordable long-term for plant, warehouse, and facility owners or managers.


Are There Environmental Benefits of Using B.A.M. Iron Sponge?


B.A.M. iron sponge is non-hazardous, which helps reduce the risk of potentially harmful or toxic emissions into the surrounding environment. Additionally, multiple disposal options for B.A.M. iron sponges are deemed safe. In some cases, depending on an individual's needs or the industry represented, B.A.M. iron sponge media may also be applied as fertilizer.


Which Industries Are Suitable for Iron Sponge H2S Removal?


Choosing iron sponge H2S removal solutions is optimal for those who are working with landfill and gas management locations, gas processing plants, biogas production companies, or even a local wastewater treatment facility. Most industries that are exposed to potential gas buildups are likely to benefit from the use of iron sponge media or B.A.M. iron sponge media solutions.


How is B.A.M. Iron Sponge Media More Cost-Effective?


B.A.M. iron sponge media is extremely reliable, robust, and durable. When properly applied, it is extremely efficient, helping to extend its lifespan beyond traditional iron sponge media. This results in the need for less maintenance and replacements, making it an optimal choice for those who are not only environmentally conscious but also budget-conscious.


What Are the Risks Associated With the Removal of H2S?


Choosing the right media is essential to ensure a streamlined process of removing H2S from the surrounding environment. Airborne dust and system inefficiencies are the most notable risks associated with removing H2S, especially when doing so without the proper media in place.


How Does B.A.M. Remove VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds)?


B.A.M. iron sponge utilizes various biological agents and modifications implemented by MV Technologies to help neutralize surrounding VOCs or volatile organic compounds. The process also enhances the agent's reactivity, aiding in H2S removal.


Is Maintenance Necessary With a B.A.M. Iron Sponge System or Solution?


At times, routine maintenance may be necessary to preserve and extend the lifespan of your B.A.M. iron sponge system. Ongoing maintenance can help ensure that H2S levels are at suitable levels and that the B.A.M. iron sponge media is moist and in proper condition to be utilized.

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