H2S Management

When you need reliable H2S removal services for your gas stream, partnering with a company you can trust is important. MV Technologies offers the services you need with the peace of mind that comes with working with a company that has the experience and expertise needed to get the job done right.

Our gas cleaning and removal processes for H2S and sulfur-based compounds from landfill gas and digester biogas are engineered to be cost-effective and efficient. MV Technologies has been working in-field for more than a decade. Our team believes in a process of continuous innovation and improvement. We're dedicated to meeting our clients' H2S management needs in a comprehensive and flexible manner, allowing them to focus on their core business needs.


Our Technology Is Effective Across the Board


Removal Options that Work


Are you searching for more efficient H2S removal options for your company? The team at MV Technologies has you covered. We offer a wide range of effective services to remove H2S from gas streams, including

  • Biological processes
  • Chemical processes
  • Dry media scrubbers
  • Filtration
  • Thermal treatment

Each of these general categories includes a further subset of choices depending on your needs. We understand that every situation requires a unique solution, which is why our systems are custom-designed, not cookie-cutter.

The turn-key systems that we deliver to our clients

  • Eliminate odor
  • Enable air emissions compliance
  • Help prepare gas utilization for renewable energy
  • Minimize maintenance costs for downstream equipment

If you want to ensure that your site has the correct H2S management in place, rely on proven techniques. We consider all site-specific limitations and opportunities when engineering solutions. We work with clients to implement solutions for all biogas uses. The client roster serviced by MV Technologies includes clients in the agriculture, food and beverage, landfill, and wastewater treatment industries.


We Design Solutions Based on Your Treatment Objectives


Our Comprehensive Approach Increases Efficiency and Effectiveness


At MV Technologies, we help our customers approach their H2S management project by understanding clearly the treatment objectives in the context of the other site-specific conditions in order to determine which technology options are truly viable.

Gas flow rate, inlet and desired outlet H2S concentrations, reason for treatment, and the nature of the gas source are the basic starting points in the analysis and can serve to reduce quickly the field of available options. From there however, to get to the “best choice” we will want to understand the intended use of the gas, up-time requirements, the presence and concentration of other compounds in the gas stream, and the intended position of the H2S treatment in the total gas process train.

Choose the Relevant Application Module Below to Learn More


We're Ready to Start When You Are


To begin to drill down on information specific to your project gas stream and understand how MV Technologies can address your project objectives, select an application (below):

  • Anaerobic Digester Biogas Treatment
  • Landfill Gas Treatment
  • Industrial Odor Control & Safety

We can provide you with a system proposal that will address your needs in a comprehensive manner. MV Technologies is the firm to count on for all of your H2S management needs. As compliance and risk mitigation become even more vital to success, there's no reason to risk having an incomplete H2S management protocol in place. And, our solutions aren't just efficient, they're also flexible. You will be able to modify the management systems as needed. This allows your team to meet the changing needs that your output requires.


Contact Our H2S Specialists Today

Now's an ideal time to streamline your H2S management procedures. Our team is here to design and execute the solutions you need. We partner with the best engineering firms and build and design firms to ensure that our clients have a seamless system in place. Contact MV Technologies today to schedule an introductory consultation and request a system proposal to begin the process. We look forward to meeting the H2S removal challenges you have and exceeding your expectations.

Anaerobic Digester Biogas Treatment

MV Technologies H2SPlus Systems and SulfAx Systems are in use to treat biogas for emissions control to beneficial end-use across all forms of biogas processes on farms, at wastewater treatment facilities and for large waste and industrial facilities...
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Landfill Gas Treatment

MV Technologies H2SPlus Systems and SulfAx Systems are in use at Landfill sites to treat landfill gas for SO2 emissions compliance as well as use to fuel boilers or other process equipment, to power generator sets, or to convert to CNG either directly or through utility pipeline...

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Industrial Odor Control & Safety

MV Technologies OdorFilter Systems are in use at various hydrocarbon processing facilities and petrochemical plants for the removal of mercaptan and hydrogen sulfide-based odors emitted during procedures such as loading and offloading refined products…

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