Dairy Farm Anaerobic Digester, California


The facility installed a new H2S scrubbing system to treat the biogas produced from their dairy farm. The gas was required to be treated to 10 ppm.

MV Solution:

MV provided a two-vessel configuration of our SulfAx™ System operated in lead-lag. This system, containing 44,000 lbs. of our enhanced granular media, delivers a maximum H2S outlet concentration of 10 ppm.

Dairy Digester, Idaho


A leading biogas developer, approached MV Technologies for a system to reduce the total hydrogen sulfide concentration in a biogas stream from a 15,000-head manure-based digester. The system was required to meet the facilities air emissions permit requirements. Generating 4.2MW, the digester H2S concentration can fluctuate from 800-1,000 ppm.

MV Solution:

A single-vessel H2SPlus System treats a portion of the gas to reduce the amount of H2S to comply with the facility’s air permit. Originally the operator of the system treated only enough biogas to comply with the air permit. They found their engine maintenance cost decreased as they increased the amount of biogas treated. The increased media cost was more than justified by the decreased maintenance cost. This facility is considering system expansion and may add a second vessel to their H2SPlus System to treat more of the gas flow and deliver less sulfur to the engines. .

Poultry Protein Processing Facility, South Carolina


A co-generation energy facility was developed to utilize biogas from a poultry protein processing facility digester. Prior to gas utilization, the methane was simply flared.

MV Solution:

MV Technologies provided a single-vessel solution to reduce the influent H2S concentration to below the desired 200 ppm requirement for the CHP equipment. MV Technologies partnered with a biogas conditioning and packaging firm to provide a turnkey solution for this client. The provided package conditions the digester gas (H2S and moisture removal) and compresses the gas for delivery to the cogen unit.

Energy from Dairy Manure and Food Processing Waste Digester, California


With a large California dairy located one mile away from an ethanol production facility, a local developer saw an opportunity to offset fossil energy usage through the use of biogas produced from the manure. The digester produces 325 cfm of biogas with H2S concentrations of 1,000 ppm.

MV Solution:

MV Technologies provided a single-vessel H2SPlus System, designed to reduce the H2S concentrations to below 100 ppm over the course of the approximately 255 day media bed life.

This project is also featured on the American Biogas Council website. CLICK HERE to view the Biogas Project Profile.

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