The project required a new H2S scrubbing system to to remove H2S from the LFG at the landfill in New Jersey. The gas was required to be treated to no more than 25 ppm.
MV provided a six-vessel configuration of our H2SPlus™ System operated in parallel. This system, containing 8,820 cu. ft. of our iron sponge media, delivers a maximum H2S outlet concentration of 25 ppm.
In order for the site to meet their air permit requirements for the new power generation plant, the H2S levels must be treated to below 140 ppm. The facility was looking for an economical solution with minimal operator attention.
After an extensive vetting process the facility selected a six-vessel H2SPlus System to treat up to 4,500 SCFM as required to meet the permit level of 140 ppm H2S. The system is expandable as the LFG production increases.
And, we're pleased to share that our partners on this project were recognized by ACEC/MN for their engineering achievement. View article here,"HR Green project named ACEC/MN Grand Award Winner"
A solid waste disposal facility approached MV Technologies to provide a system that could treat 1,200 cfm of landfill gas being sent via pipeline to a Milwaukee wastewater treatment plant for use in turbines. H2S concentrations fluctuate anywhere from under 100 ppm up to 200 ppm. The pipeline requires a concentration of less than 100 ppm H2S.
When the concentrations are detected to be above the pipeline requirement the LFG is treated through two 12’ diameter by 12’ tall fiberglass vessels containing a total of 2,016 ft3 of Iron Sponge media. With minimal treatment requirements this system has a bed life exceeding 800 days, providing an economical solution with minimal maintenance and attention.
MV Technologies responded to a bid solicitation to supply an H2S treatment system at a county owned landfill in Idaho. The gas utilized at the power generation plant is required to have an H2S concentration below 400 ppm to meet the facilities air emissions permit.
To meet the specifications MV Technologies provided six 14’ diameter x 11’-8” tall with a total media capacity of 8,316 ft3. In addition the system was supplied with a sophisticated automated H2SPlus control system. This system consists of an online continuous TDLS H2S analyzer on the blended outlet flow. Also included is an online O2 analyzer. With these analyzers the control system automatically controls the raw gas bypass to maintain the specified outlet H2S concentration and controls the O2 addition system.