H2S Removal Technology Comparison

Compare H2S Treatment Technologies




  1. Includes costs of nutrients and estimated labor for active system control.
  2. MVNet™ systems provide for media changeout without confined space entry.
  3. Media sets up “solid” if run to full life, making removal very difficult - often requires hydroblasting.
  4. Vacuum truck removal is typical.
  5. Active bacteria is sensitive to temperature, nutrients, pH and other environmental conditions. Systems may require up to 10 days to start and stabilize after shutdown for maintenance. Sulfur bearing effluent must be handled/managed and may pose additional water treatment considerations. Fluctuating H2S concentrations pose operating problems. Too much H2S and the bacterial action cannot respond quickly enough to hold to outlet concentration limits - too little H2S and the bacteria population can “starve” and reduce effectiveness.

There are other well known and practiced technologies used to remove H2S in much larger flow rate environments. These include: caustic scrubbing; caustic scrubbing with biological conversion of the H2S; and iron based liquid “redox”.

All of these involve much higher levels of capital expenditure than represented by the technologies compared above and, as a result, are used in applications where sulfur removal requirements exceed 1,000 Lbs per day.

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