A digester on-site at a dairy food processing farm treats facility wastewater consisting mostly of wash water and chemicals from cleaning food processing equipment. An H2S removal system was needed to treat the gas for a micro turbine. In addition the biogas can also be combusted in a boiler.
MV Technologies worked directly with the client to develop a customized vessel configuration to accommodate the specific flow rate and H2S concentrations expected from the digester. The facility has realized a significant reduction in the boiler maintenance after the installation of this system.
An Idaho potato processing facility wanted to utilize flared biogas from an onsite digester to save money and reduce their energy footprint. A solicitation for bids was sent out in late 2013 and the system was operational the following Spring.
A two-vessel H2SPlus System was designed and supplied to reduce the H2S concentrations below 45 ppm. Media bed life is approximately 12-months at current flow and H2S concentration.
With a large California dairy located one mile away from an ethanol production facility, a local developer saw an opportunity to offset fossil energy usage through the use of biogas produced from the manure. The digester produces 325 cfm of biogas with H2S concentrations of 1,000 ppm.
MV Technologies provided a single-vessel H2SPlus System, designed to reduce the H2S concentrations to below 100 ppm over the course of the approximately 255 day media bed life.
This project is also featured on the American Biogas Council website. CLICK HERE to view the Biogas Project Profile.
A digester developer contacted MV Technologies to provide the sulfur removal portion of a large digester project that converts food waste into renewable energy. With a gas flow around 500 cfm, and an inlet concentration of 700 ppm, the facility requires H2S scrubbing to effectively operate the two internal combustion biogas engines.
MV Technologies designed a 12’ diameter x 11’ tall single-vessel system with 882 ft3 of iron sponge media. The H2SPlus System reduces the hydrogen sulfide concentration to below 200 ppm for at least 230 days.
Related Link:
CLICK HERE to view a comprehensive overview video of this project on the Natural Systems Utilities website.