Dairy Farm Anaerobic Digester, California


The facility installed a new H2S scrubbing system to treat the biogas produced from their dairy farm. The gas was required to be treated to 10 ppm.

MV Solution:

MV provided a two-vessel configuration of our SulfAx™ System operated in lead-lag. This system, containing 44,000 lbs. of our enhanced granular media, delivers a maximum H2S outlet concentration of 10 ppm.

Cheese Processing Facility, Wisconsin


The facility installed a new H2S scrubbing system to treat the biogas produced from their cheese processing operation. The gas was required to be treated to below 50 ppm.

MV Solution:

MV provided a single-vessel configuration of our H2SPlus™ System. This system, containing our enhanced iron sponge media, BAM™ Media, delivers a maximum H2S outlet concentration of less than 50 ppm, under the stated current operating conditions.

Meat Processing Lagoon Digester, Texas


The facility installed a new digester to pre-treat the wastewater from the processing plant. The gas from the digester is required to be treated to below 400 ppm prior to being burned in the on-site boiler.

MV Solution:

MV provided a three-vessel H2S plus system configured with an H2S analyzer on the outlet gas and a modulating gas bypass valve. The system maintains a 400 ppm H2S outlet in order to meet the specification but also extend the bed life of the iron sponge media.

Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facility, Wisconsin


This facility was built with a cogen unit and requires both siloxane removal and H2S removal. The H2S removal is required for the GAC siloxane removal media to operate efficiently. The siloxane system required a maximum concentration of 50 ppm H2S.

MV Solution:

A single 8’ diameter x 8’ tall vessel with 294 ft3 of media treating the gas stream with 1,300 ppm, up to 2,000 ppm H2S, down to below 50 ppm.

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