Leveraging Recycling Opportunities to Benefit the Environment and Our Customers

Leveraging Recycling Opportunities to Benefit the Environment and Our Customers

June 25, 2020
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Reducing Our Environmental Impact and Customers' H2S Removal Costs

We all realize the importance of environmental responsibility and doing our part, as individuals and companies, to take care of our Planet. MV Technologies’ systems enable air emissions compliance, eliminate odor and help prepare biogas for utilization as renewable energy – all characteristics that benefit the environment.

But did you know that MV Technologies also practices environmental responsibility by using recycled products for the media and media delivery components of our systems? By recycling and repurposing these products, we are not only able to help the environment, but are able to pass the cost savings on to our customers.

Recycled Bulk Media Bags

What products do we recycle? We start by utilizing recycled bulk media bags to deliver media to our client project sites. These super sacks, otherwise known as FIBCs, typically consist of strands of polypropylene woven into fabric. Polypropylene can take up to 500 years or more to decompose when sent to landfills, or even worse, irresponsibly disposed of. We use only reconditioned and recycled FIBCs, ensuring both environmental responsibility AND economic efficiency by diverting landfill waste and reducing project costs.

Recycled bags cost over 100% less than new FIBCs! The bags customers receive for media replacements vary in size from changeout to changeout because of our sourcing of recycled bags. However, rest assured that customers are receiving the same weight and volume of media each time.

Iron Sponge from Recycled Wood Chips & Recycled Steel

In addition to recycled media bags, our media encompasses recycling efforts as well. MV Technologies’ iron sponge is comprised of recycled wood chips impregnated with iron oxide from recycled steel. In fact, more than 90% of the materials that make up iron sponge are recycled or recovered materials. We source wood chips recovered from landscaping and the clearing and removal of trees. Thus, trees are not harvested specifically to make wood chips. And the iron oxide used in the manufacture of iron sponge is derived from recycled steel shot and steel grit. 

Stewards of the Environment & the New Energy Economy

Know that MV Technologies is always exploring ways to reduce our environmental impact AND our clients’ bottom lines. We thank our customers for trusting MV Technologies with their odor control and H2S removal projects and look forward to our continued partnership as industry professionals and stewards of the environment. And we look forward to building new partnerships with companies and projects that are invested in contributing to the new energy economy.

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