Biogas - Dairy Waste-to-Energy Digester (California)

Project Description


Anaerobic Digester

Flow Rate:

325 SCFM

H2S Treatment:

1,000 ppm down to 100 ppm


Qty. 1; 11’D x 11’H

Completion Date:

Fall 2014

Energy from Dairy Manure and Food Processing Waste Digester, California


With a large California dairy located one mile away from an ethanol production facility, a local developer saw an opportunity to offset fossil energy usage through the use of biogas produced from the manure. The digester produces 325 cfm of biogas with H2S concentrations of 1,000 ppm.

MV Solution:

MV Technologies provided a single-vessel H2SPlus System, designed to reduce the H2S concentrations to below 100 ppm over the course of the approximately 255 day media bed life.

This project is also featured on the American Biogas Council website. CLICK HERE to view the Biogas Project Profile.

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